Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Herbal soup anyone?

Herbal soup for the soul (in the office) - 3rd week.

This is the 3rd week in a row we had soup (boiled with a slow cooker) in the office. Today, we had some ginseng root look-alike soup. I was busy the whole day with meetings so i missed it; actually i overheard my 'art director' saying it's very bitter, so that too.

I remember we had green bean soup, twice...a little pandan leaves would help. We had chicken bone soup, i think that's my favourite so far. You need to have meat in your soup, unless it's 'tongsui'. My personal favourite is peanut soup. I love peanuts, something crunchie to chew on while drinking hot delicious soup. I hope she is reading this....hehehehe.

For environmental-friendly readers out there, here's how much electricity a slow cooker consumes:

1 comment:

婷婷 said...

hahahahaha, see how see how.
KL buy green bean so I have to cook green bean soup for him;
maybe you buy peanut and I ahve to cook for you.......